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   International Conference on Analysis and Related Topics

    (October 26-30, 2018, Nanjing, China)


  Analysis plays a fundamental role in both pure and applied mathematics. The primary goal of this conference is to provide a platform of academic exchange and collaboration, to survey related fields, report recent progress and discuss future developments in analysis.

    The conference mainly concentrates on analysis and its applications. The topics will include but are not limited to

  • Geometric Analysis;
  • Real and Complex Analysis;
  • Fractal Geometry and Fractal Analysis;
  • Dynamical System;
  • Partial Differential Equations.

    There will be several plenary speakers and more than 60 invited speakers in the conference.


Scientific Committee:

  • Chongqing Cheng, Nanjing University
  • Ka-Sing Lau, Chinese University of Hongkong & University of Pittsburgh
  • Shanzhen Lu, Beijing Normal University
  • Tao Tang, Southern University of Science and Technology & Hongkong Baptist University
  • Gang Tian, Peking University
  • Silei Wang, Zhejiang University
  • Lan Wen, Peking University
  • Zhiying Wen, Tsinghua University
  • Zhihong Xia, Southern University of Science and Technology
  • Tingfan Xie, China Jiliang University
  • Chung-Chun Yang, Hongkong University of Science and Technology
  • Jiangong You, Nankai University
  • Xiangyu Zhou,Institute of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Science


Plenary Speaker:

  • Tao Tang, Southern University of Science and Technology & Hongkong Baptist University
  • Gang Tian, Peking University
  • Xiangyu Zhou,Institute of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Science


Organizing Committee:

  • Hourong Qin, Nanjing University
  • Huicheng Yin, Nanjing University
  • Ping Zhang, Institute of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Science  
  • Hongyong Wang, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics
  • Liangwen Liao, Nanjing University
  • Yongzhong Sun, Nanjing University
  • Hua Qiu, Nanjing University
  • Jun Li, Nanjing University
  • Yong Lv, Nanjing University


Hosted by Department of Mathematics, Nanjing University; School of Applied Mathematics, Nanjing University of Finance & Economics


Sponsored by Chinese Mathematical Society, NNSF of China, “the Thousand Talents Plan” Youth Program, PAPD of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions and Jiangsu Mathematical Society


Conference Dates: October 26-30, 2018


Conference Venue: West Building, Department of Mathematics, Nanjing University, Hankou Road 22, Nanjing, China


Accommodation: New Era Hotel, Zhongshan Road 251, Nanjing


Registration Date: October 26, 2018

Registration Place: New Era Hotel, Zhongshan Road 251, Nanjing


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