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Speaker: Prof. Siu-Hung Ng(吴少雄) 

Department of Mathematics
Louisiana State University                 
Baton Rouge, LA 70803

Abstract We will give an introduction to tensor category, which is a very active subject recently. Our lectures will start with basic notions of tensor categories at first, and then focus on semisimple case, that is fusion categories.




2017/7/20   9:00-11:00

West building  108

2017/7/20  14:00-16:00

West building  108

2017/7/21   9:00-11:00

West building  108

2017/7/27   9:00-11:00

West building  108

2017/7/27  14:00-16:00

West building  108

2017/7/28   9:00-11:00

West building  108

2017/8/3    9:00-11:00

West building  108

2017/8/3   14:00-16:00

West building  108

2017/8/4    9:00-11:00

West building  108

2017/8/10   9:00-11:00

West building  108

2017/8/10  14:00-16:00

West building  108

2017/8/11   9:00-11:00

West building  108