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题目:  Dirichlet heat kernel estimates of Subordinate Brownian Motions


报告人:  宋仁明 教授(伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校)


时间:  8月3日  上午8:30-9:20


地点: 西大楼三楼报告厅


摘要: A subordinate Brownian motion can be obtained by replacing the time parameter of a Brownian motion by an independent increasing Lévy process (i.e., a subordinator). Subordinate Brownian motions form a large subclass of Lévy processes and they are very important in various applications. The generator of a subordinate Brownian motion is a function of the Laplacian. In this talk, I will give a survey of some of the recent results in the study of the potential theory of subordinate Brownian motions. In particular, I will present recent results on sharp two-sided estimates on the transition densities of killed subordinate Brownian motions in smooth open sets, or equivalently, sharp two-sided estimates on the Dirichlet heat kernels of the generators of subordinate Brownian motions.