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题目:The CP-matrix Completion Problem


报告人: 范金燕 教授(上海交通大学数学科学学院)





摘要A symmetric matrix $C$ is completely positive (CP) if there exists an entrywise nonnegative matrix $B$ such that $C=BB^T$. The CP-completion problem is to study whether we can assign values to the missing entries of a partial matrix (i.e., a matrix having unknown entries) such that the completed matrix is completely positive. We propose a semidefinite algorithm for solving general CP-completion problems, and study its properties. When all the diagonal entries are given, the algorithm can give a certificate if a partial matrix is not CP-completable, and it almost always gives a CP-completion if it is CP-completable. When diagonal entries are partially given, similar properties hold. Computational experiments are also presented to show how CP-completion problems can be solved.




研究方向:最优化理论、方法及应用。目前主持一项国家自然科学基金项目 。荣获“中国运筹青年奖”二等奖、第十三届“中国青年女科学家奖”。 在国内外重要学术刊物发表论文多篇。她提出了奇异非线性方程组的高阶Levenberg-Marquardt方法和信赖域半径趋于零的信赖域方法,解决了NP-难的完全正分解问题,彻底解决了完全正填充这一矩阵研究领域中一直未解决的难题。在非线性方程组和完全正优化研究领域中提出的理论和发展的方法,为正则化方法的研究和特殊矩阵的分解提供了新的思路和技巧,为解决实际问题提供了更强有力的全新的计算方法。研究成果引起国际同行的关注和引用,引发了日本、欧美等多项后续性工作,并被广泛应用于实际领域。
