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题目:The signless Laplacian spectral radius of graphs forbidden linear forests


报告人:张晓东 教授(上海交通大学)


时间:2017.11.17, 10:00-12:00




摘要:Turán-type extremal problem asks to maximize the number of edges over all graphs which do not contain fixed forbidden subgraphs. Similarly, spectral Turán-type extremal problem asks to maximize spectral radius or signless Laplacian spectral radius over all graphs which do not contain fixed forbidden subgraphs. Linear forests are graphs consisting of vertex disjoint paths. In this talk, we introduce all graphs of sufficiently large order n which do not contain linear forests with at most two components of odd order and determine the unique graphs maximizing the signless Laplacian spectral radius.


邀请人:陈耀俊 老师