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题目:Doubly symmetric periodic orbits around one oblate primary in the restricted three-body problem


报告人:徐兴波   淮阴工学院 数理学院


摘要:It is shown that there exists a class of doubly symmetric periodic solutions of lunar type around one oblate primary in the restricted three-body problem. A small parameter is introduced to represent that the infinitesimal body is sufficient approach to the oblate primary. The radius of the oblate primary is even smaller compared to the distance from the infinitesimal body to this primary. The zonalharmonic coefficient J 2 is also small, such that the order of magnitudes of third body perturbation and that of the inner perturbation are comparable. By the perturbation techniques and a corollary of Arenstorf’s fixed-point theorem, we show that there exist doubly symmetric periodic solutions around the oblate primary.


时间:2018年6月25日 10:00-11:00




邀请人:崔小军 老师