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 Lecture 1:

  目:  Light-matter coupling, and the Geometric Optics approximation (1)


报告人:Eric Dumas, Institut Fourier, Universite de Grenoble.


  要:We shall introduce the Maxwell equations describing the time evolution of the electromagnetic field, together with some models of coupling with matter.  In a high-frequency regime, different scales appear, and the Geometric Optics framework allows to describe the linear and weakly nonlinear evolution, using Brillouin-Kramers-Wentzel expansions.




Lecture 2:

  目:  Light-matter coupling, and the Geometric Optics approximation (2)


报告人:Eric Dumas, Institut Fourier, Universite de Grenoble


  要:  We shall state rigorously the weakly nonlinear Geometric Optics approximation,  relying on the introduction of the eikonal equation,  polarization condition and transport equation.




Lecture 3:

  目: Diffractive optics and the Schrödinger equation

报告人: Eric Dumas, Institut Fourier, Universite de Grenoble.

  要:When looking at the evolution in longer times, diffractive effects  show up, which are described by nonlinear Schrödinger equations (NLS).





Lecture 4:

  目: Passing through singularities for Diffractive optics and the Schrödinger equation

报告人:Eric Dumas, Institut Fourier, Universite de Grenoble.


  要: The solutions to focusing NLS may blow-up in finite time. We will investigate the meaning of these singularities at the level of the true solutions to Maxwell's equations. 




Lecture 5:

  目:  More on some NLS models


报告人: Eric Dumas, Institut Fourier, Universite de Grenoble.

  要:We shall address the question of global weel-posedness for various models of NLS obtained from Maxwell's equations.






邀请人:吕勇 老师