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题  目: Nonlinear PDE in complex geometric analysis


报 告 人:张希(中国科技大学)


摘  要:Hermitian Yang-Mills equation and Complex Monge-Amp\`ere equation are two very important two nonlinear PDE in Complex Geometry. In this talk, I will recall some classical results, and introduce our recent works on these two nonlinear PDE and their applications in complex geometry. These works are joint with Dinew, Guan Pengfei, Jin Xi shen, Li Chao, Li Jiayu, Liu Jiawei,  Zhang Chuanjing,  Zhang Pan and Zhang Xiangwen.


时  间: 2018年9月21日  10:00—12:00


地  点:蒙民伟楼1105室


邀 请 人:陈学长  老师