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题  目:Criteria on the existence and stability of pullback exponential attractors and their application


报告人:杨志坚教授  郑州大学


摘 要:In this talk, we are concerned with the existence and stability of pullback exponential attractors for a non-autonomous dynamical system.  (i) We propose two new criteria for the discrete dynamical system and continuous one, respectively. (ii) By applying the criteria to the non-autonomous Kirchhoff wave models with structural damping and supercritical nonlinearity, we construct a family of pullback exponential attractors which are stable with respect to perturbations.


时 间:2018年9月28日(周五)下午3:00-5:00


地 点:西大楼308报告厅


邀请人:钟承奎  老师