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题  目:p-Laplace parabolic equation on manifolds and graphs


报 告 人:王林峰(南通大学)


摘  要: In the first part of this report, by a regularization process we derive a new gradient estimate for the p-Laplace parabolic equation on a closed manifold with the Ricci curvature bounded from below by a negative number, which includes the gradient estimate established by Ni and Kotschwar on closed manifolds with nonnegative Ricci curvature, and also includes the Davies, Hamilton, and Li-Xu's gradient estimates. In the second part of this report, we establish a general gradient estimate for the p-Laplace parabolic equation on a connected finite graph under a suitable curvature-dimension condition. When the curvature is nonnegative we derive the logarithmic gradient estimate; when the curvature is bounded from below by a negative number we derive the Davies, Hamilton, Bakry-Qian and Li-Xu's estimate, as special cases. Based on the gradient estimates, we derive the Harnack inequalities.


时  间:2018年9月28日  10:00—12:00


地  点:蒙民伟楼1105室


邀 请 人:陈学长  老师