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题  目:Segmentation of Bone Structures from Cone Beam CT Images in Dentistry


报告人:时红建 教授  (南方科技大学电子与电气工程系)


时  间:2018年11月22日(周四)下午4:45


地  点:数学系一楼108报告厅


摘  要: Nowadays, more people pay attention to the dental health including oral cavities, bone tumors or cancers. Dental implants, orthodontic orthodontics and other surgical procedures are employed in daily life. Accurate jaw separation from neighboring tissues can greatly improve diagnosis results, space measurements and success rates of surgical operations. In this talk, segmentation of bone structures from head and neck will be presented, and 3D visualization and quantitative measurement will be covered.


Dr. Hongjian Shi is currently a Research Professor at Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology. He has published about 40 research papers in medical imaging, image processing, and mathematics. He worked in industry for more than 15 years and holds several US patents with popular products such as panoramic imaging system in iCAT scanner. He holds a PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering and another PhD in Mathematics. He is doing research to integrate mathematics with engineering applications.


邀请人:杨孝平 老师