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题目:On the free boundary of the incompressible ideal MHD


报告人:郝成春副研究员 (中国科学院数学所)


地  点:西大楼108室


时  间:2019年1月16日(星期三)上午10:30-11:30


摘  要:We raised a Taylor-sign type condition for the free boundary of the incompressible ideal MHD flows with initial bounded smooth domain, and proved the a priori estimates of the solutions to nonlinear system. We also showed the ill-posedness of the solutions in Sobolev spaces when the Taylor-sign type condition is violated. This indicated that the Taylor-sign type condition is much necessary for the well-posedness of the solution in Sobolev spaces to this MHD free boundary problem in bounded smooth domain. This talk is based on the joint works with Tao Luo.


邀请人:栗付才 老师