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           题  目:A four vertex theorem for space curve on locally convex surface


报告人:周斌 副教授(北京大学)



摘  要:The classical four vertex theorem characterizes an interesting property of closed planar curves. It has been extended to space curves on sphere and on more general convex surfaces, namely a smooth, closed curve in R^3 has at least four points with vanishing torsion if it lies on a convex surface. In this talk we discuss the four vertex theorem for space curves on locally convex surfaces by using the properties of homogeneous Monge-Ampere equation. This is a joint work with Shibing Chen and Xu-jia Wang.


时  间:2019年3月22日 10:00-12:00


地  点:蒙民伟楼1105


邀请人:石亚龙  老师