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题目: Local theta correspondence between supercuspidal representations


报告人:马家骏 研究员 (上海交通大学)






摘要: I will present a joint work with Hung Yean Loke, which explicitly describes the local theta correspondence (over a p-adic field and p is not equal to 2) between supercuspidal representations in terms of Bushnell-Kutkzo-Stevens' parameter. This extends our previous work on the tamely ramified case. 

In the talk, I will first compare Bushnell-Kutzko-Stevens’ and Yu-Kim’s approaches to supercuspidal types and show that they are the same in the "tame case". In fact, by observing the similarity of the two approaches, we can translate our proofs in the tame case to Bushnell-Kutzko-Stevens’ setting modulo some technical lemmas.


邀请人:张翀 老师